This is a paragraph.

Condition for bisecting a diagonal

Convex quadrilaterals here.

Consequently, the bisection condition to be established in today’s post applies only to convex quadrilaterals — quadrilaterals where none of the interior angles exceed 180^{\circ}.

Concave quadrilaterals also exist, but we won’t cover those.

Check how many attacks we faced this week! Cause for concern?

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose diagonals AC and BD intersect at E. If AC bisects BD, PROVE that \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}.

As usual, a,b,c,d are the side-lengths AB,BC,CD,DA. Assume for the time being that none of these sides are equal.

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Let the length of diagonal BD be q. Since AC bisects BD, both AE and CE are medians in triangles ABD and BCD, respectively. Thus:


The angles AEB and CED are equal, so:

    \begin{align*} \cos(\angle AEB)&=\cos(\angle CED)\\ \frac{AE^2+BE^2-a^2}{2\times AE\times BE}&=\frac{CE^2+ED^2-c^2}{2\times CE\times ED}\\ \frac{AE^2+BE^2-a^2}{AE}&=\frac{CE^2+ED^2-c^2}{CE}\\ \frac{AE}{EC}&=\frac{AE^2+BE^2-a^2}{CE^2+ED^2-c^2}\\ &=\frac{\frac{2a^2+2d^2-q^2}{4}+\left(\frac{q}{2}\right)^2-a^2}{\frac{2b^2+2c^2-q^2}{4}+\left(\frac{q}{2}\right)^2-c^2}\\ &=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2} \end{align*}

We later realized that applying Stewart’s theorem would have made the proof simpler. Same with the converse in example 2 below.

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose diagonals AC and BD intersect at E. If \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}, PROVE that AC bisects BD.

To this end, consider the four triangles AEB, BEC, AED, and CED. For simplicity let’s set


Thus the assumption \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2} can then be re-written as \frac{p_1}{p_2}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}, or p_1=\left(\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)p_2. The angles \angle AEB and \angle BEC are supplementary, so:

    \begin{align*} \cos(\angle AEB)&=-\cos(\angle(BEC)\\ \implies\frac{AE^2+BE^2-AB^2}{2\times AE\times BE}&=-\left(\frac{BE^2+EC^2-BC^2}{2\times BE\times EC}\right)\\ \implies \frac{p_1^2+q_1^2-a^2}{2p_1q_1}&=-\left(\frac{q_1^2+p_2^2-b^2}{2q_1p_2}\right)\\ p_2(p_1^2+q_1^2-a^2)&=-p_1(q_1^2+p_2^2-b^2)\\ (p_1+p_2)q_1^2&=b^2p_1+a^2p_2-p_1p_2^2-p_1^2p_2\\ &=b^2\left[\left(\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)p_2\right]+a^2p_2-p_1p_2(p_1+p_2)\\ &=\left(\frac{b^2d^2-a^2c^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)p_2-p_1p_2(p_1+p_2)\\ \therefore q_1^2&=\frac{p_2}{p_1+p_2}\left(\frac{b^2d^2-a^2c^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)-p_1p_2 \end{align*}

Similarly, the angles \angle CED and \angle AED are supplementary; so:

    \begin{align*} \cos(\angle CED)&=-\cos(\angle AED)\\ \implies \frac{ED^2+EC^2-CD^2}{2\times ED\times EC}&=-\left(\frac{AE^2+ED^2-DA^2}{2\times AE\times ED}\right)\\ \frac{q_2^2+p_2^2-c^2}{2q_2p_2}&=-\left(\frac{p_1^2+q_2^2-d^2}{2p_1q_2}\right)\\ p_1(q_2^2+p_2^2-c^2)&=-p_2(p_1^2+q_2^2-d^2)\\ (p_1+p_2)q_2^2&=c^2p_1+d^2p_2-p_1p_2^2-p_2p_1^2\\ &=c^2\left[\left(\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)p_2\right]+d^2p_2-p_1p_2(p_1+p_2)\\ &=\left(\frac{b^2d^2-a^2c^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)p_2-p_1p_2(p_1+p_2)\\ \therefore q_2^2&=\frac{p_2}{p_1+p_2}\left(\frac{b^2d^2-a^2c^2}{b^2-c^2}\right)-p_1p_2 \end{align*}

The preceding calculation shows that q_1^2=q_2^2, or q_1=q_2. Thus BE=ED and the diagonal BD is bisected as desired.

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at E. Explain how the condition \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2} works in the case of parallelograms.

For parallelograms, opposite sides are equal, so we can set b=d and a=c and obtain \frac{AE}{EC}=1. For squares and rhombuses, we need to take care: pretend that a and d are different, and that b and c are also different; at the same time, use the fact that opposite sides are equal. Doing this gives \frac{AE}{EC}=1.

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Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at E. Explain how the condition \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2} works in the case of kites.

This is a special case because a=d and b=c and opposite sides are not equal in general kites. So we’re confronted with the indeterminate form \frac{0}{0}. However, the longer diagonal in a kite can be as long as possible, and so the ratio \frac{AE}{EC} evaluates differently depending on the kite in question. Does this somehow explain why \frac{0}{0} is said to be undefined?

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If quadrilateral ABCD is such that diagonal AC bisects diagonal BD and b=c, PROVE that ABCD is a kite.

Let E be the point of intersection of AC and BD. Since b=c, triangle BCD is isosceles, and so CE is an altitude. Thus AE is also an altitude. Since BE=ED, this forces a=d. So we obtain a kite.


Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral whose diagonals AC and BD intersect at E. If the side-lengths are AB=a, BC=b, CD=c, and DA=d, then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. ab=cd
  2. \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2-a^2}{b^2-c^2}
  3. \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{d^2+a^2}{b^2+c^2}
  4. AC bisects BD.

Notice the second and third statements.


  • (Bisection consequence) Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with side-lengths AB=a, BC=b, CD=c, and DA=d. If AC bisects BD and ab=cd (quasi-harmonic), PROVE that ABCD is cyclic.
  • (Basic characteristics) Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral whose diagonals AC=p and BD=q intersect at E. If ab=cd (quasi-harmonic), PROVE that:
    1. p^2=AE^2+BE^2+CE^2+DE^2
    2. pq\geq 2ab.