This is a paragraph.

Bisecting a diagonal in a cyclic quad

Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with side-lengths AB=a, BC=b, CD=c, and DA=d. Let AC and BD be the diagonals. Then AC bisects BD if and only if ab=cd, and BD bisects AC if and only if ad=bc.

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at E. If ABCD is cyclic, PROVE that \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{ad}{bc} and \frac{BE}{ED}=\frac{ab}{cd}.

Use similar triangles.

Rendered by

Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at E. If \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{ad}{bc} and \frac{BE}{ED}=\frac{ab}{cd}, PROVE that ABCD is cyclic.

This is the converse of the previous statement in example 1. One proof of it uses similar triangles and the law of sines.

Rendered by

Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at E. PROVE that diagonal AC bisects diagonal BD if, and only if, ab=cd.

By example 1 we have that \frac{BE}{ED}=\frac{ab}{cd}. If AC bisects BD, then BE=ED. And so ab=cd. Similarly for the converse.

Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at E. PROVE that diagonal BD bisects diagonal AC if, and only if, ad=bc.

By example 1 we have that \frac{AE}{EC}=\frac{ad}{bc}. If BD bisects AC, then AE=EC. And so ad=bc. Similarly for the converse.

Among convex cyclic quadrilaterals, PROVE that only rectangles have the two diagonals bisecting each other.

This follows from example 3 and example 4 above, since ab=cd and ad=bc yield a=c and b=d.

Brief relief

Click these links to see the status of our ongoing hide-and-seek game with some hackers and their bots: here, here, and here. Good thing is that we have the upper hand, as at the time of this writing.


Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral. Then the following statements are equivalent:

  1. ABCD is a rectangle
  2. diagonals AC and BD bisect each other.


  • (Easy verification) Let ABCD be a convex cyclic quadrilateral with vertices at A(-7,7), B(-6,0), C(0,0), D(2,4). Verify that:
    1. diagonal AC bisects diagonal BD
    2. 2AC^2=AB^2+BC^2+CD^2+DA^2
    3. BD^2=\frac{2(AB^2+DA^2)(BC^2+CD^2)}{AB^2+BC^2+CD^2+DA^2}.